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Connect Information

At Orelia Primary School we use a range of tools to communicate with our school community. These include our school website, Connect, Social media, newsletters, assemblies and family engagement meetings.

Our main communication tool with our families is The Department of Education’s Connect platform. This is a learning, support and communication tool developed by the department for staff, students and parents in public schools. All parents will be supplied with their unique login details to access their child’s Connect class page, specialist subject areas and Connect also enables parents to communicate with staff directly. Whole school communication will also be sent out via the Connect platform.

Please view a short video about Connect here:

A free app called Connect Now can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or from Google Play and this will allow you to receive Connect notices as push notifications.

If parents have multiple children, they only need one login – even if their children attend different public schools. When logging in to Connect parents will be able to see information specific to their own child/ren such as:

  •  the classes in which their children are engaged
  •  class calendars
  •  week by week attendance information
  • notices from classes that automatically generate an email notification to the parents 

Please view the below Connect information flyers and guides

Quick Guide for Parents (Primary)

Step by Step Guide for Parents

Student Guide (Primary)

Frequently Asked Questions (Parents)

Connect Now – Parent flyer

Students Reports in Connect – Parent Flyer

Connect is a wonderful whole school communication tool and it is an exciting way for parents to stay in touch with your child’s learning journey here at Orelia Primary School.

Our Vision

Nurture our curiosity

Discover through learning

Engage with the community

Principal’s Message

Welcome to Orelia Primary School where your child will be nurtured to discover and engage in their education, to build a lifelong love of learning. Every child is supported to reach their potential in all aspects of their growth and development: social, emotional cognitive, language and physical development. Parents and families are an integral part of the educational partnership of every child.

Our focus is to engage students using Explicit Direct Instruction and evidence-based programs in Literacy and Numeracy. It is our belief these programs will develop the necessary skills for students to be successful and confident learners. We individualise programs for students who have unique needs. Our intervention programs target the specific aspects of the learning area students need to progress.

We offer exciting specialist programs in music, science, Italian and physical education. We have a very diverse and interactive interschool sports program. We participate with all the primary schools in our Kwinana Federation. Our passionate specialist staff involve students in interesting experiences to extend their learning. We have a state of the art library that caters for home reading in the mornings, library classes throughout the week and provides areas for research for students with a bank of computers and iPADS.

We use the Zones of Regulation Program to explicitly teach students to identify their emotional state several times a day and have strategies to self-regulate themselves. We instil the values of respect, responsibility, safety and excellence to inspire every student to become a valued member of our school and wider community. Our inclusive environment supports every student to feel successful and secure. Students are also supported by a Chaplain and a Mentor, who are always available to discuss worries, concerns or just chat.

Our Family Engagement strategies are exceptional. Class teachers meet each term with families to give parents an overview of the focus in literacy, numeracy and specific ideas of how families can support their students at home.

We integrate ICT throughout our school to promote skill development and knowledge of digital technologies. Students learn the basic skills and engage in the technology as another tool to support their learning. Every class has an interactive whiteboard, a set of iPADS, and a bank of computers in our library.

Orelia Primary School has a history of successful engagement with the Parents and Citizens Committee. Together we have targeted fundraising and held many amazing events for our students: colour fun run, discos, outdoor fun days, and supported excursions, camps and family gatherings. Our community participation continues every year.

We have strong affiliations with our community: Alcoa, Smith Family, KEAYS, Kwinana Council and Calista Parent Health Centre. Alcoa supported us to create our Peace Garden which is an ongoing project.

Our Peace Garden is our outdoor classroom with a stage for performances, quiet areas to read, a boat beach area for imaginative play and a great coastal garden. We worked with Alcoa and Kwinana Council to revegetate and restore Challenger Beach over many years. In honour of our work the Council and Alcoa commissioned an artist to make the beautiful mural which is near the Peace Garden.

We have also replanted trees for over ten years in Sloan Reserve. The number of trees currently exceeds one hundred, which is a wonderful contribution to our environment.

Please contact us if you would like to visit our school. We would be happy to take you on a tour. 


Joanne Stewart-Magee




Please click to download the newsletter:








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Act Belong Commit

Act Belong Commit

At Orelia Primary we are an Act Belong Commit School. This is a community based health promotion campaign that encourages children to be proactive about their mental health and wellbeing.

We encourage our children to keep mentally healthy by keeping active. We run a running club 4 mornings a week Tuesday to Friday from 8.10-8.30.

We follow a program called the Zones of Regulation which helps us to connect with our feelings and teaches us strategies to self-regulate.

We promote buddy classes that pair up different aged children for fun and engaging activities. This can help with building friendships and connections with others.

We are also a Be You School which is an initiative aimed at promoting and protecting positive mental health in children.






Learning Club

Our Learning Club run by The Smith Family provides a safe and supportive out-of-school learning environment where students can participate in activities that develop their academic and social skills. Local volunteer tutors run our Learning Club sessions after school in our Library.

Learning Club aims to increase student engagement with learning by increasing student’s self-confidence and confidence in their school work. We are proud to partner with The Smith Family to support our students learning.

Please click the below links for further information

Learning Club Flyer

Learning Club Fact Sheet


Welcoming Wallabies is a weekly parent-led playgroup for the Orelia community.

Come along to this fun playgroup and meet other families. Help familiarise your child with our school throughplay, stories, music and craft.

Please bring a hat, a piece of fruit or vegetable to share and a gold coin donation.

Wednesdays 8.45am-10.30am
During School Terms

All Ages Welcome!



The P&C Association is comprised of parents and citizens who have an interest in children’s education and represent the parents and community of Orelia Primary School.  Its purpose is to support the school and the students and their families.

The functions of the P&C are:

  • To develop parent participation and involvement in the school
  • Allow parents to discuss issues relating to the school and the community and gather opinions
  • To promote and support communication and cooperation within the school community
  • Provide extra resources for the benefit of all students where necessary
  • Fostering community interest in educational matters

Joining the P&C will allow you to share in the school community and make a contribution to the education of your child. It provides a great environment to meet new people and allows you the opportunity to be informed of school news and matters. You will be able to share your expertise as part of a large decision making group that helps to link the school and the community. Your children love to see you involved in their education and it is a rewarding experience for all who join.

Orelia Primary School P&C is responsible for:

  • Operation of the Snack Shack canteen for the enjoyment of our students and staff
  • Organise and run stalls for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day
  • Assist with collections and payments for various fundraisers (Year 6 Camp, Graduation, and the Good Standing Reward events)
  • Plus many more activities that run over the year

Please refer to the School Term Planner in Connect for P&C meeting dates/times.  Any member of the school or local community is welcome to become a P&C member. In order to be a member of the P&C you must be over the age of 18 years and have paid an annual subscription (currently $1).  Membership forms are available here.  It is not compulsory to be a member to attend meetings.

To view the Snack Shack menu please click here



Breakfast Club

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It sets our students up to concentrate, learn and be at their best. Having a meal means students have better focus and concentration, improved physical health, and increases attendance and performance at school.

Good nutrition and a balanced diet help children grow to their full potential. Having breakfast has been shown to have a positive impact on factors such as physical and mental health, social skills, concentration, behaviour, attendance and academic outcomes.

Foodbank supports our Breakfast Club and this allows students the opportunity to eat a wholesome, nutritious breakfast on a regular basis. It is always amazing to see our lovely Student Helpers and Parent Volunteers come to support Breakfast club with Mrs. D’Souza.

Our Breakfast Club program runs every day from 8am – 8.30am.

We are a certified Crunch&Sip School. Please click the Crunch&Sip image below to discover more